Thursday, May 29, 2014

Push Play!

Rio, Brazil.... Waiting... This is what I have been doing for the past... 9 days... No! More! I will still wait for more 4 days until I have an answer...

Anyway... I have been waiting and it feels like I have been watching my life from outside, from a window. Feels like my life is on pause. I guess I would enjoy a vacation while I am here, but you know when something is missing? Yep... It is...

Something missing or not, I am dealing. Everyday there is something to take care of, something to work on. Real work or not. 

So I am occupying my time while I wait outside the window of my life to open. 

Once a very wise person told me God would not give patience he would give tasks that would teach me patience. Not a better way of learning than now. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Presente do Dia

Eu posto todos os dias, um presente no meu IG, mas como eu estou de ferias ate o dia 08, resolvi que esse presente vai entrar aqui.

Hoje o presente eh bem simples, (quase) cafona.

Um Beijinho no Ombro!

A Little Fun Never Hurt Anymone

I need to have fun in odder to survive. I don't know you but I do.

I don't need to go out and party... but just a little fun... lol

Oh! About missing YOU...

Funny thing I don't anymore. I said it would pass and it did. There is another thing I am a Gemini and I chance my mind like I change my underpants.

How are things? Kind of the same. Big plans for next month but first I need to tackle the big task/test next week.

I guess I am trying to have a little fun this next week so I can distract myself a bit before the test.

I am afraid this is going to be a short post....

But I had a GREAT idea for my posts from tomorrow on!

Friday, May 2, 2014

I miss you...

Instead of writing you, writing yet another e-mail to you... being pathetic or being even more pathetic here I am writing here!

Yep! I miss you. I know I only miss you because as you said one my life is kid of idle right now. lol

I can smile about it because you make me smile at myself of how silly I am and how much I know this all will pass. I can smile also because I just had this GREAT GREEEEAT idea! Yes! I can write again! Again and again! Put everything here and the other one yep you, your you past tense guy will never understand one single word of what I am saying! What a GREEEAAAAT IDEA! What else? At the same time I am practicing getting confidence! YES!


One post a day again? Hey Ho Let's go!!!

Going back to the start... Going back to the fact that I ... freaking miss you and you... oh you... You don't give a Flying fuck...

Yep! You doing give a Flying fuck. What can I do? Nothing and That is what I will keep on doing. That and writing because that way I can alleviate a little my anxiety of everything that is going on.

What else is going on?

Hum Let's see...

Next week I will take the most important test of my life. I was always the type that would say: does your life depend on that? And Yes, my life does depend on this test! With the score of this test I will be able to start me Masters, I will move to my already furnished house  in Hammond, thousands of miles ways from Rio, way from Brazil. The life change I have been dreaming of since... I don't know since I left it?

So I do have the most important day of my life next week and yes I do think of it all the time but when I am not worried about it, who am I thinking about? You?

Why you? I don't even try to make sense of it... I know this too shall pass. I just need to focus on my test, other "ones"  and you will be gone. That is what I hope. smiles.